double joy

Firstly, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord ! Got my uni application results yesterday.And i'm glad to announce that i'll be with you guys in Penang.So, i'll be heading to USM on the 29th of June(Sunday).

Actually i wanted to go UM(same as my bro).My first and second choice was UM followed by USM as my third and forth choice.But somehow few days or weeks before the results were out, i just felt the burden of staying in penang.Well, i prayed and leave it all to God for His word says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For i know the plans i have for you, declares the Lord, a plan to prosper you and not to harm you, a plan to give you a hope and a future".So i gotta turst the Lord for that.
There're many things that i've started here in penang undone.That's another reason why i prefer penang rather than kuala lumpur.Yea, He knows what's best for each of us! Hallelujah!

This is truely the hand of God at work.Well there's a friend of mine, know him just few years back.Somehow we became good friends.To cut the long story short, one day we just stop communicating with each other(that was after stpm).I was so lost and upsad when i found out about it.But i learn to trust God for help.*cut long story short*I forgive and bless, like what Pastor Pam and other speakers always said.Guess what??!! he called me last night around 1smth or 2smth.We talked and everything was settled!!Hallelujah.Every misunderstanding was cleared.
(ps:actually this is very brief on what really happen.Wanna know more?up to you to find out.hehe)

Conclusion(haha, macam karangan) Abel is filled with joy the whole time even until now.Slept 3smth am, woke up 9smth am...a lil sleepy but too joyful to sleep

And that's wat i call "DJ" - Double Joy


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