first ever thickest assigmnent

Well firstly, meet my group members..there are 10 of them but one of them was absent..

This is a economic group assignment. We are supposed to hand in a minimum of 300 pages of papers. Title: Perancangan Ekonomi, Proses Belanjawan & Pencukaian.

After so much effort, not enough sleep, lack of time..really spent many hours on this assignment. Many complications. Some misunderstandings, confusion, laziness, some group members not working hard enough, etc...
But whatever it is, everyone gave their best, right?? yea!!
So, we finally manged to complete a 900 plus pages of Economic Assignment...Whoa..Hallelujah!


*jeng jeng*

*pic with Prof. Amir(econz lecturer)-missing 2 members..alwayz missing members eh..hah..


  1. CD said...
    My goodness. This is thicker than my PhD dissertation. Hope you have learn something from it and enjoy your undergraduate.
    .: x-[ abenl ]-x :. said...
    haha....oh ya..may i know who r u...cant guess eh... hehe

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